
Steamer | The Headliner

Rank: Lead Dog

Age/Sex: 6, Male

Steampunk is one of the most curious characters that make up the team. He's got a beautiful athletic build, and a wonderful gait, but his personality is a tricky thing. Steampunk has become famous among the Team Whiteout fanbase for being Christina's 2018 Jr. Iditarod lead dog, but the story that goes a long with it is one that can't be explained.

The story of how the soft headed easy going male, that love to run, but would prefer to be inside on the couch, went from the weakest minded dog on the team, to headlining the team with blinders of determination, and running 140 miles of the Jr. Iditarod in lead, is something that cannot be explained, but makes him an invaluable member of the team.

Race History

6th - Eagle Cap Extreme 100

1st - Jr. Race to the Sky 100

11th - Jr. Iditarod

3rd - Stage Stop Eukanuba 8-dog Classic

2nd - 2019 West Yellowstone Rodeo Run 8-Dog

3rd - 2020 Eagle Cap Extreme 100 mile

5th - 2020 Idaho Sled Dog Challenge 100 mile

4th - 2020 Race to the Sky 100 mile


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Steamer still needs sponsors for the 2019 racing season! Will you be one of them?